The 2018 AFS Global Conference themed Global Competence: Our Future, Our Responsibility brings together leaders across sectors to set a global competence agenda for preparing students, educators, volunteers and employees with the intercultural knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world. 

The 2018 AFS Global Conference will make global competence an international priority at this first-of-a-kind gathering of stakeholders across sectors—educators, policymakers, business leaders, social entrepreneurs and NGOs.

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Meet the speakers who will lead this powerful collaboration

Now more than ever, we need talented people of all ages and from all backgrounds prepared to think critically, communicate across differences and lead in diverse settings.

Dr. Andreas Schleicher is Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). As a key member of the OECD’s Senior Management team, he supports the Secretary-General’s strategy to produce analysis and policy advice that advances economic growth and social progress. In addition to policy and country reviews, he oversees the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), the OECD Skills Strategy, the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), and the development and analysis of benchmarks on the performance of education systems (INES).

Ms. Kaya Henderson leads the Global Learning Lab for Community Impact at Teach For All. There, she seeks to grow the impact of locally rooted, globally informed leaders, all over the world, who are catalyzing community and system-level change to provide children with the education, support, and opportunity to shape a better future. She has served as Chancellor of DC Public Schools, a Fellow with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Georgetown University, among other positions. Her board memberships include The Aspen Institute, The College Board, Robin Hood NYC, and Teach For America. She chairs the board of Education Leaders of Color (EdLoC), an organization that she co-founded.

Prof. Dr. Anantha Duraiappah took the position as the inaugral Director of the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) based in New Delhi, India in 2014. An experienced science-policy pacesetter having over 33 years experience, he now plays a key role in positioning UNESCO MGIEP as a leading research institute on education for peace, sustainable development and global citizenship. Dr. Duraiappah is presently focusing on researching and exploring how the neuro sciences of learning can contribute to developing socio-emotional learning through innovative digital pedagogies.

Dr. Diane Robinson is Global Special Projects Lead at Teach For All. Diane has spent over 20 years at the forefront of education change in the US and globally to empower more students to achieve their full potential. She fundraises to scale and launch new Teach For All partner programs in Africa and to build global partnerships for the network to help students and educators become globally informed. Diane has held various leadership roles at Teach For America, the KIPP Foundation, has consulted with New Leaders and Global Nomads Group, and is also a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.

Mr. Clive Lee is the Chief Executive Officer of the Yidan Prize Foundation. He is a specialist in social services, and has extensive experience in philanthropy, social entrepreneurship, and working with non­governmental and nonprofit organizations. His contributions to society have earned him numerous awards, leading him to be made Harvard University IMUSE Scholar, Incubatee of Grameen Creative Lab by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus, Clinton Global Initiative University Scholar and among many others. Mr Lee aspires to bring positive changes to the world through supporting young leaders. In 2010, he was selected as the only Chinese trainer for the Oxfam Youth International Partners Program in India.

Soraia Arroyo Lynch is the MBA Vice President of Marketing, GMMI, Inc. Originally from São Paulo, Brasil, Soraia moved to the U.S. as a teenager and is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish. With over 20 years in the medical cost containment industry and having worked for GMMI in many capacities from Account Management, Product Development, Business Development, to VP of Marketing, she has established herself as an expert in medical cost containment and assistance. Soraia’s hands-on experience is backed by a solid business education: a Bachelor of Arts in International Business from Loras College, and an MBA from Nova Southeastern University.

Dr. Mattia Baiutti is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Udine in Italy, supported by Fondazione Intercultura Onlus. Mattia holds a Ph.D. (Doctor Europaeus) in Humanistic Studies (Educational Sciences) from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata,” and was a Visiting Researcher at Durham and Newcastle Universities in the UK. He worked as a consultant with the OECD PISA on the Global Competence Assessment. His main interests focus on internationalization of secondary schools, intercultural education and communication, intercultural competence and its assessment, student mobility, intercultural citizenship.

Dr. Vishakha N. Desai currently serves as Chair of the Board of Trustees of AFS Intercultural Programs. She is Senior Advisor for Global Affairs to the President of Columbia University and Senior Research Scholar at its School of International and Public Affairs, where she focuses on innovative approaches to understanding the relationship between culture and foreign policy in Asia. From 1990 through 2012, she served in various capacities at the Asia Society, ranging from being Director of its museum to being the President and CEO of the organization from 2004.

Mr. Peter Mather is Chairman of BP Europe, BP UK and BP Exploration Operating Company. He is accountable for the governance, reputation, and integration of all BP’s European activities. He has worked in trading, refining, shipping, upstream gas, B2B marketing, corporate strategy, and power – in London, New York, Paris and Brussels. He sits on the Boards of Fuels Europe, ICC UK, the Royal Opera House and British Museum Advisory Boards, the CBI President’s Committee, and the BP Pension Fund. Peter has an MA (Oxford), an MBA (INSEAD) and an Honorary Fellowship (King’s London).

Mr. Barry van Driel, Senior Staff at Anne Frank House

More information coming soon!

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