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At a time when globalism is under attack and nationalism is on the rise, we need more active global citizens to vigorously work towards advancing global understanding, transforming their communities and the world—and solving our most pressing challenges.

The 2019 AFS Global Conference will mobilize over 600 educators, non-profits, businesses, governments, and young people to move from theoretical and ideological debates, find common ground and work together to integrate global competence into formal, non-formal and informal education for learners of all ages.

We welcome proposals based on best practices, innovative ideas, research findings and/or policy-oriented perspectives that address the Conference theme of Active Global Citizenshipand How to Educate for It and the following questions:

  • What does active global citizenship look like in practice? What are active global citizens doing to change the world for the better?
  • How does global competence education lead to active global citizenship? How does global competence factor into developing and implementing solutions to challenges identified in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals?
  • What is the state of global competence education around the world? What can we learn from Canada as a pioneer in global competence education?
  • How do we evolve education from a 20th-century model to meet the needs and demands of the 21st century and the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
  • What best practices, innovations, obstacles, and challenges exist in educating for active global citizenship? How can others learn from and replicate these successful strategies?
  • Where should the funding come from to ensure more schools and youth groups offer global competence education. What are the drivers and incentives to allocate current educating funding to global education and/or raise fund from impact investors and donors?  
  • How can stakeholders collaborate to best empower and support active global citizens and those educating for it? How can advocates work together to meet the needs of various stakeholder groups to successful educating, advocating, and funding active global citizenship?

Proposal Requirements and Formats

Each session proposal must contain the following information:

  • Session title (maximum 18 words)
  • Session summary (maximum 75 words: if the proposal is accepted, the summary will be published on the conference website and in other communications)
  • Detailed session description explaining the topic and outlining relevant methods (based on selected format) for audience interaction and engagement (maximum 300 words)
  • At least two clear learning objectives and concrete expected outcomes for participants
  • Presenter information (affiliation, title, email, address, etc.) and a brief bio (maximum 75 words)

Accepted session formats:


Panels: 60 Minutes - 2 to 4 speakers

Panel’s feature expert speakers offering diverse perspectives and insights on a topic aligned with the conference theme. They are ideal for research results, best practices in curriculum or educational tool development, innovative ideas or policy proposals. Each panel should account for at least 15 minutes of question and answer time. Panel rooms will be set up in theatre style, so activities that require participants to move around are not encouraged.

Each panel session will have up to 50 participants.


Workshops: 60 Minutes - up to 2 facilitators

Workshops are interactive sessions that feature a combination of presentations and activities that engage the audience through simulations and various non-formal training methodologies. Workshops should have clear learning goals and a well-defined flow of activities that offer all participants an opportunity to take part in the process.

Each workshop will have up to 30 participants.


Poster Presentations: 60 Minutes - up to 2 presenters

Use posters and supporting print material (handouts) to share research results, theories, innovative educational tools and creative ideas with groups of participants the designated poster display. Participants should be able to share feedback with presenters and interact with each other.

Instructions (including suggested poster dimensions) will be shared with accepted proposal owners.


Idea dates: 60 Min (20 x 3) - 1 presenter

Idea Dates are meaningful, result-oriented and intimate discussions in small groups from 6 to 8 people including the presenter sitting around a table. Idea Date presenters can use laptop presentations, question cards, visual aids, etc. to introduce their topic and to start the conversation among the participants. Each Idea Date will last 20 minutes and each presenter will have a chance to host three Idea Dates with three separate groups within a 60-minute session.

Participants should walk away from each Idea Date with at least one idea/tool/resource/connection they can use to further their own work.

Session proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Alignment with the conference theme and audience
  • Diversity of speakers and perspectives (proposals that include multiple institutions, organizations, and educator or learner perspectives are preferred)
  • Relevance and applicability of expected session outcomes
  • Topics and session formats that are innovative, engaging, thought-provoking and unique
  • Applicability and relevance of session goals for stakeholders working on various levels.

Proposals that invite audience participation and engagement are preferred. Creative – alternative presentation techniques, group exercises, simulations, and innovative non-formal learning methodologies are encouraged.


Who will attend the 2019 AFS Global Conference?

All proposals should be tailored to fit the interests of one or more of these audience groups:

  • Educators of all types: teachers and academics as well as experts in global competence education, non-formal learning, and international education
  • Business leaders, social entrepreneurs, and innovators
  • Policymakers and government representatives, including international governing bodies
  • NGOs, community organizations
  • Media representatives and influencers
  • Youth leaders and students
  • Faith leaders and interfaith organizations
  • Foundation donors and impact investors
  • AFS and Sentio Network leaders and volunteers from around the world

Important information

Session proposal will be accepted through this form until 11:59 PM GMT on 6 May 2019. Once you create a proposal you will receive a link to make edits if necessary. After you submit your proposal, you will receive a notification from the 2019 AFS Global Conference Team and won’t be able to make any further changes.

The proposal review committee will notify the author(s) of proposals after 31 May 2019 whether or not their session proposals were accepted.

30 January Call for proposals opens
6 March Registrations open
15 April 6 May ***extended Call for proposals closes
15 May 11 June ***delayed Results released
17 July Early-bird registration closes

Call for Proposals is closed

Authors of accepted sessions will be notified by May 31.