Active Global Citizen

Mario Piacentini, OECD

SDG #4 Quality Education, SDG #10 Reduced Inequality
Senior Analyst at OECD PISA
Mario has contributed to several large OECD and inter-agency projects on gender and well-being, and led the definition and development of international indicators on metropolitan areas, inequality, entrepreneurship and trade.
“It is important that education helps students develop not only knowledge and cognitive skills, but also the social and emotional competencies and resilience to thrive in the face of present and future challenges. Schools can attend to these needs, and making schools happy and caring communities is a feasible and worthwhile pursuit.”

Mario Piacentini is an analyst in the PISA team of the OECD Education and Skills Directorate, where he is responsible of extending PISA to new assessment domains. He is the lead author of the framework for the PISA 2018 assessment of Global Competence and is now managing the development of a new PISA assessment of creative thinking.

Before joining PISA, he worked for the Public Governance Directorate and the Statistics Directorate of the OECD, the University of Geneva, the World Bank and the Swiss Development Cooperation.

Mario led international measurement projects on education, gender, migration and entrepreneurship and authored several peer-reviewed articles and reports, including the first PISA report on the well-being of students. Mario holds a PhD in economics from the University of Geneva.

Connect and network with Mario as well as other Active Global Citizens and leading 21st century education stakeholders at the AFS Global Conference: Active Global Citizenship—and How to Educate for It, 9-11 October in Montreal.   

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Happy schools are places where children feel challenged but competent, where they work hard but enjoy it, where social relationships are rewarding and respectful, and where academic achievement is the product but not the sole objective. Creating happy schools is the joint responsibility of teachers, parents and students.

—Learning in school as a social activity

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