The world has become increasingly divided.

Nations and societies that previously encouraged cooperation are moving toward greater isolation precisely at a time when our shared challenges and opportunities require collaboration and diversity. Although Global citizenship education focusing on cultural diversity and tolerance are reported as a mandatory part of curricula in 68% of countries today,  there is a question about whether this translates into practice in classrooms and out-of-school spaces. However, various studies show that Gen Z (people ages 15 to 25) are very global in their thinking and interactions, carry a sense of responsibility, and expect diversity. Yet, educational inequality and low enrollment rates are shown to result in higher risks of conflict and wars.

What will it take to empower more active global citizens determined to make their impact on the world?


How does global competence factor into developing and implementing solutions to challenges identified in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? 

Join us responding to these and other key questions in Montreal. Together we can solve our most pressing challenges as outlined by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Concept Paper in English

 Concept Paper in French

Speakers & Presenters

+100 presenters and speakers from across the globe will be sharing their expertise with us in Montreal. Check who they are!

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Preliminary Schedule

Sponsors and Partners