years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence

Discover the real meaning of safari (the Swahili word for “journey”) on a two week adventure in Kenya.

You’ll experience the culture and landscape of this remarkable country as you explore national parks, visit wildlife reservations, and stay with a local host family.

You and your group will tour urban centers—such as downtown Nairobi—and venture into the habitats of rare species like lions and rhinos. You’ll also get the cultural education of a life-time by meeting with the semi-nomadic Maasai tribe, who live on a breathtaking national reserve.

This is your chance to enjoy two weeks of education and exploration in a country dedicated to preserving and protecting its vast natural beauty.

Eligibility Requirements

14years 0month(s) to 17years 11month(s)

Medium English will ensure you can enjoy the program and are able to interact with the other multinational participants.


If you want an authentic experience to fuel your passion for social change, culture, nature, or science—make friends while making a real impact through AFS Global Prep!

Start Here!
With a simple formula, your AFS Global Prep will empower you to change your world, engage in hands-on activities, and create benefit for the community.

Thrive in an incredible new place, unlike anything you’ve experienced so far, and create authentic connections that will last a lifetime!

Where else can I go?

Pursue your interests, while becoming a real global citizen through an AFS structured intercultural learning program

What is Global Competency?

Leave your mark on the communities you touch and work to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Global Goals

What are the Global Goals?

Wildlife Conservation


You and your group will learn about Kenya’s commitment to environmental conservation through a variety of excursions and activities. You’ll visit the Wildlife Club of Kenya and Nairobi National Park, where lions and other wild animals roam free amid the backdrop of urban skyscrapers. Be on the lookout for rhinos—Nairobi National Park is a sanctuary for the rare black rhinoceros! You and your group will also get an inside look at wildlife rescue efforts by visiting an elephant orphanage. (You might even get to foster a baby elephant!)

Next you’ll meet with members of the semi-nomadic Maasai tribe, who live on protected lands in almost the same lifestyle as they did a hundred years ago. You’ll learn a bit about their cultural heritage as well as their innovative conservation efforts. Then you’ll visit Hell’s Gate, which despite its name is a very scenic park! Here’s where you’ll embark on the mission of every safari-goer: to see the Big Five. If you’re lucky you’ll spot an elephant, rhino, lion, buffalo, and leopard wandering along the picturesque cliffs and vast savannahs, as well as lots of zebras, giraffes, and antelopes!

Interact with local communities!

Exploring the area

In between your adventures, you and your group will have some time to relax and interact with the community. You’ll explore nearby cities, like the market town of Naivasha, which is located on the banks of an enormous lake that’s famous for its hippo population. Get ready to see some beautiful greenery here, as this area is known for its abundant flower farms. You’ll also visit an orphanage in Nairobi and join in fun, cultural activities with local Kenyan children. Despite your busy schedule, you and your group will have some time to wander through colorful city markets and pick up souvenirs for your friends and family back home.

Apply now!



Experience Kenyan culture through the eyes of your host family

During your time in Kenya, you’ll stay for a few days with a local host family. This is your chance to experience what daily life is like in their community and maybe even learn how to make some traditional foods like irio (green peas and mashed potatoes) or pilau (spiced rice with beef or chicken). Your host family will be a great resource for learning about different aspects of Kenyan culture, so you’ll want to spend lots of time getting to know them!

Returning Home

“Life-changing” is hard to describe, yet it’s nearly always the first thing that AFSers say when asked about their experience abroad. “Transformed” is another one. When you return home, if you’re like most AFSers, you’ll bring with you a sense of accomplishment unlike any other. You’ll have gained maturity and independence, discovered new passions, and feel like you can do anything you set your mind to. That transformation isn’t visible only to you, though – others see it as well. AFSers gain critical skills for college and careers, ranging from language fluency to intercultural competence and critical reasoning. “Life-changing” means it’s only the beginning.

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AFSers in action:

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