years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence

To sustainably manage our natural resources, to take urgent action on climate change and to foster; just, inclusive and peaceful societies are some of the greatest global challenge and an essential component of sustainable development.

AFS Intercultural Programs Philippines believes that many of the global challenges today affect the future of the youths as the leaders of the next generation. Therefore, it is important that they are equipped with valuable knowledge and skills to counter global challenges.

Global Prep in the Philippines is perfect for students who are keen on being actively involved in saving the environment, supporting diversity, creating a unified national community, and promoting global perspectives. This program will provide not only the usual cultural experience but also experiential education engaging students in peace and environmentally-conscious activities, which are intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Eligibility Requirements

14years 0month(s) to 17years 11month(s)

Basic to medium English will ensure you can enjoy the courses, which are taught in English and are able to interact with the other multinational participants.

If you want an authentic experience to fuel your passion for social change, culture, nature, or science—make friends while making a real impact through AFS Global Prep!

Start Here!
With a simple formula, your AFS Global Prep will empower you to change your world, engage in hands-on activities, and create benefit for the community.

Thrive in an incredible new place, unlike anything you’ve experienced so far, and create authentic connections that will last a lifetime!

Where else can I go?

Pursue your interests, while becoming a real global citizen through an AFS structured intercultural learning program

What is Global Competency?

Leave your mark on the communities you touch and work to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Global Goals

What are the Global Goals?


A packed Schedule

  •  Certification on Organic Farming (8 hours)
  • Certification on Coastal Resource Management (8 hours)
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Multicultural and Global Citizenship Education
  • Sandugo: International Friendship Festival
  • Hispano-American Cultural Heritage Tour
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Your program

Your program is filled with learning, culture and giving back. An draft itinerary reads as follows:

  • July 19 – Arrival
  • July 20 – Arrival Orientation
  • July 21 – Cultural Session
  • July 22 – Hispano-American Cultural Heritage Tour at Intramuros, Manila
  • July 23 – Travel to Bohol/ Courtesy Call to the Government/ Endorsement to Family
  • July 24 – Multicultural and Global Citizenship Seminar
  • July 25 – Organic Farming Education and Career Road Map at Maribojoc, Bohol (Learn how to become an organic farmer. Explore the education requirements, training and certification information and experience required to start a career in organic farming.)
  • July 26 – Coastal Resource Management Lesson and Mangrove Reforestation (A community life tour experience focused on sustainable activities such as coastal resource management lessons, livelihood demonstrations (like mangrove planting, gathering shells (“imbao”), or catch snapping shrimps (“takla”), and an eco-tourism mangrove adventure.)
  • July 27 – Country Side Tour at Loboc, Bohol
  • July 28 – Sandugo Festival (This commemorates the “Treaty of Friendship” symbolized by the historic blood compact between Boholano chieftain Datu Sikatuna and Spanish General Miguel López de Legazpi in 1565. This particular pact is considered the first international treaty of friendship, prompting the Philippine Government to establish the Orders of Sikatuna, a presidential decoration conferred upon diplomats.)
  • July 29 – Tree Planting for Legacy Experience (Pitch in the efforts of restoring the breathtaking forests of Bohol by planting endemic tree seedlings and raise awareness and forest conservation concerns.)
  • July 30 – Country Side Tour at Panglao Island, Bohol
  • July 31 – Culmination Day (Showcase skills as an effective leaders and global citizens while learning by demonstrating advocacy strategies and plans) / End of Stay Orientation
  • August 1 – Departure

Host families

Exploring the area

You will be lucky enough to immerse yourself in Filipino culture, living with host families in a local community.

Apply now!

AFS Philippines

AFS Philippines

Returning Home

“Life-changing” is hard to describe, yet it’s nearly always the first thing that AFSers say when asked about their experience abroad. “Transformed” is another one. When you return home, if you’re like most AFSers, you’ll bring with you a sense of accomplishment unlike any other. You’ll have gained maturity and independence, discovered new passions, and feel like you can do anything you set your mind to. That transformation isn’t visible only to you, though – others see it as well. AFSers gain critical skills for college and careers, ranging from language fluency to intercultural competence and critical reasoning. “Life-changing” means it’s only the beginning.

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AFSers in action:

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