years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence

AFS in Denmark is pleased to invite students (aged 15 – 18) to spend one month at a Danish “EFTERSKOLE” exploring cultural differences, learning a language (Danish and English) experiencing a homestay with a Danish host family or a summer camp (depending on departure date), taking part in outdoor/teambuilding activities, and going on a 3-day excursion to Copenhagen.

The general outline of the program is as follows: Throughout the program the participants will live, eat and study at the Ranum Efterskole. The participants will study intercultural learning/global competencies together with the Danish and international students of the school They will also take part in intensive language classes.

During their stay at the school, the participants will be part of the vibrant social life at the school and interact with Danish and international students also staying at the school. There will be activities organized for the participants during vacant weekends and evenings.

Depending on the program period, participants may go on cultural excursions or trips abroad.

At the end of the program each participant will be given an individual certificate of participation with full details of the program curriculum as well as a certificate from AFS.

It will be possible to send participants in groups (small groups, large groups and even full classes accompanied by their teacher) or individually.

Eligibility Requirements

15years 0month(s) to 17years 11month(s)

Medium English will ensure you can enjoy the program and are able to interact with the other multinational participants. As a minimum all exchange students coming to Denmark must be able to hold short conversations and give brief, cohesive descriptions of everyday situations and subjects in English.

Program details

  • Participants will learn about Danish culture and language
  • Participants will develop their intercultural competencies together with the Danish and international students of the school.
  • Participants will be given intensive language lessons in English.
  • There will be a summer camp with creative/recreational/outdoor/adventure activities during the first week.
  • Moreover, participants will take part in cultural excursions to points of interest.
  • Participants will board in 4-person rooms together with Danish students on the international line and also study together with them. In that way they will have close contact to Danish students.
  • Participants may have a homestay with a Danish host family, depending on start date.
  • During their stay at the school, participants will be part of the vibrant social life at the school and interact with Danish and international students also staying at the school.
  • There will be excursions and other social activities organized for participants during vacant weekends and evenings.
  • At the end of the program an end-of-stay evaluation will be organized.
  • Participants will receive an individual certificate of participation from Ranum Efterskole College with full details of the program curriculum.
  • Participants will also receive a certificate from AFS Denmark.

Ranum Efterskole College

Exploring the area

Throughout the program the participants will live, eat and study at the Ranum Efterskole College.

Ranum Efterskole College is a large boarding school which is situated in the country-side approx. one hour’s drive from the city of Aalborg and 4 hours’ drive from Copenhagen.

The school itself offers a dynamic and socially developing environment with social, creative and sports activities being organized for students in their spare time and weekends.

The area of the school is very peaceful and safe and the students are free to leave the school grounds in their spare time (during day time) to go to the adjoining village or surrounding areas.

You can read more about the Ranum Efterskole College at their website:

Apply now!



School and a Host Family

Accommodation for this program depends on your chosen start date. You may have the chance to stay at the school, and also a short homestay with a family to immerse yourself in Danish culture.

Returning Home

“Life-changing” is hard to describe, yet it’s nearly always the first thing that AFSers say when asked about their experience abroad. “Transformed” is another one. When you return home, if you’re like most AFSers, you’ll bring with you a sense of accomplishment unlike any other. You’ll have gained maturity and independence, discovered new passions, and feel like you can do anything you set your mind to. That transformation isn’t visible only to you, though – others see it as well. AFSers gain critical skills for college and careers, ranging from language fluency to intercultural competence and critical reasoning. “Life-changing” means it’s only the beginning.

Apply now!

AFSers in action:

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